How-does-it-look has become an important selling point for any product now. This shift in focus on aesthetics has helped design to evolve from being a vocation dealing with form and function to a new approach to developing business models. Today has become a strategic element and an innovation-leading process. Organisations across sectors from architectural design, landscape architecture, industrial design, automotive and retail design are creating in-house design departments to make originally designed offerings. According to a report by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), the Indian design industry was worth Rs. 18,332 crores in 2020 and is further growing with the maximum concentration of designers in architecture and interior design.
Despite the pandemic struggles, there was a growth in the number of design companies in India, making design a sought-after profession. To create a workforce capable of pushing the boundaries of the design industry, the Indian education system offers diverse program choices at all levels such as certificate, diploma, undergraduate and post graduate programs. However, design educators face significant challenges, as they are often asked to address new kinds of problems at scales quite different from those of the past. The need of the hour is to rethink design education for the 21st century. Our priority must be to provide an in-depth, evidence-driven academic foundation for design decisions and help modern-day designers to become advocates for social and environmental responsibility.
In this issue, we have identified ‘10 Must-Watch Design Institutes in India’ that are creating design education for the 21st Century to equip designers with the skills and perspectives to design more inclusive, sustainable, equitable, and responsible future product systems, organisations, and societies. On the cover, we feature ARCH College of Design and Business, which challenges conventional undergraduate and postgraduate education by incorporating engaging and holistic learning experiences with life skills to equip students with more than just an excellent world-class education.
Enjoy Reading.