India is the second-most populous country and the ratio gap between the rich and poor is so dismal that most people under the poverty line always suffer one or the other disease. According to a latest survey, India’s top 1% of the population now holds 73% of the wealth while 67 crore citizens, comprising the country’s poorest half, saw their wealth rise by just 1%. In the healthcare industry, this means that for most Indian citizens healthcare and related services are still a luxury. Trying to make a difference to this despairing situation is Teerthanker Mahaveer College of Pharmacy.

With over 31 years of experiences in academics including the significant arenas of industrial and academic research, Prof. (Dr.) K. K. Jha has been working as Director at Teerthanker Mahaveer College of Pharmacy, Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad, UP (India) since 10th September 2009. Graduating from Muzaffarpur Institute of Technology, Muzaffarpur (Bihar University), Bihar, and postgraduated from SGSITS (Devi Alhiya University) Indore, MP, with specialization in Pharmaceutical and Medicinal chemistry, Dr. Jha earned his Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
Teerthanker Mahaveer University’s Teerthanker Mahaveer College of Pharmacy regularly holds social connect programs in association with NGOs. Through these programs, students discover and learn about the various health-related problems -prevailing within the rural, sub-urban and urban population. These initiatives has paved the way for students to not only come up with probable solutions to the poor, but also get a first-hand experience as to how they can make a difference to the society. Similarly, TMCOP students are encouraged to develop innovative and creative thoughts based on project-based learning. They have been carrying out observational as well as interventional studies on patients enrolled in IPD as well as OPds.
Abiding by a Wholesome Curriculum
TMCOP motivates and mentors its students through quite a few industry-oriented assignments. The students work in TMCOP’s well-established technical laboratories at, thus honing their existing skillset and also developing new ones. “TMCOP graduates are diligent and capable of facing any challenges that may come their way while working in varied professional environments and collaborating with the people from versatile origins. The destined achievements are the points of their solitary foci. The targets are set at the start of every academic session in terms of KRAs and KPIs. The evaluation of meeting with them is carried out at the end of each session,” says Prof. Dr. K.K. Jha, Director, Teerthanker Mahaveer College of Pharmacy, Teerthanker Mahaveer University.

in-house teaching that is in parallel with industry training to improve their technical skill
TMCOP understands that providing a steady stream of skilled manpower with kosher amount of ethos is the need of the hour. Therefore, TMCOP invests quality time and efforts in designing and implementing industry-oriented curriculum and train students with in-house teaching that is in parallel with industry training to improve their technical skill. Moreover, the students are exposed to concurrently ongoing industrial affairs through participation in symposia, conferences, seminars etc. organized on-campus or off-campus. These interactive sessions with people having varied professional as well as ethical cultures leave a lasting impact on the students.

Along the same lines, TMCOP has numerous industrial collaborations in its pocket, which it uses to provide the students with ample exposure. “Industrial collaboration is most important in the field of Pharmaceutical education to acquaint the students simultaneously with industrial culture and technical requirements to work with the industry. Our reputed pharmaceutical industry tie-ups give a hands-on training to the students during their regular course work” adds the Director. As a frequent practice the institute, in particular, and the university, as a whole, has been organizing industry-academia meet at various places of repute. Moreover, many industrial people have been incorporated as members in several committees such as College Research Committee, Board of Studies, Board of Faculty etc.
It is no wonder that these exposure outlets of TMCOP and their teaching methodologies have enabled its students to land their dream jobs. Also, many students have joined higher studies on account of successful performance in competitive exams. Some of them also have joined Quality Control, Quality Assurance and R& D divisions of reputed industries. A good number of them is being represented in institutes like NIPER, IT BHU etc.
Faculty Team That Works Wonders
However, it is not fair to pass on all the credit to the exposure programs and curriculum, as the faculty team is the guardian angels of TMCOP graduates. The team’s calibre can be seen in the many national research projects, like ICMR, CST and DSIR, that they have been a part of. Moreover, almost 11 patents have been filed by the faculty team. One of the most important ongoing projects of the faculty is ‘Assessment of heavy metal contents in the medicinal plants grown in Moradabad district’.
Teerthanker Mahaveer College of Pharmacy’s immediate plans includes collaborating with national and international institutions for innovative teaching-learning processes and to establish faculty and technology transfer schemes. TMCOP envisions to throw open its gates to enable pharmaceutical brilliance to make a difference to the nation.