Shrey Anand, EHL Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne Bachelor Student in International Hospitality Management

Shrey Anand is a global citizen of Indian lineage, enrolled in EHL’s Bachelor programme for International Hospitality Management in Lausanne, Switzerland. His work experiences in The Upper House, Hong Kong and HEIMA, a Swiss hospitality start up, are his skillset shapers towards the actualisation of his aspirations as a hotelier owner of a boutique hotel chain. His creative pursuits in addition to poetry, photography has culminated into – The Boy with Wings – video series exploring alternative perspectives. His ultimate desire is to bolster a compassionate and resensitised community, curating sensitivity and respect for all.


The power of the invisible. Who would have thought this would hold true? The biggest lessons arise from the unexpected.

Yes, Covid has been a great teacher.

The past two years have been synonymous with unpredictability, anxiety about the future and frustration, especially for students. But the pandemic brought to the fore a critical element of change. A necessary catalyst for development and growth. This uncertainty fuelled adaptability and resilience. It also celebrated the power of the human spirit. It set the course for innovative ideas and new realities. While this may hold true for some not all, my post pandemic insights and learnings are:

1. Uncertainty is an opportunity

We, as humans fear the unknown and are wary of change. This initial reaction is also the one responsible for making us quit before we start. Ironically that initial sense of unease, is the stepping board of possibilities, ideas and opportunities. It can lead to things you like, dislike and potentially even what you may want to pursue. It was the pandemic that sparked my series ” The Boy With Wings.”

2. Growth is the momentum of actionable ideas spurred by a positive mindset

Am aware this might bring on a heavy eye-roll considering “growth mindset” is a buzzword. But growth is an integral part of it. The aspect of progress and growth is simply actionable ideas and a positive mindset. Ideas are the basis for creation which when actioned, morph into growth. The positive mindset is essential to translate these ideas into reality. It provides an alternative perspective which creates the perception shift from “how could this happen?” to “what and how can I learn from this?” That in itself is the game-changer.

3. Dedication, perseverance, and adaptability are our true constants

While these words have been repeatedly thrown across the room their veracity cannot be doubted. Let me put it across as a 3-step process:

  1. Dedicate yourself to your values, morals, ideas, visions and growth. Pangs of doubt are natural. It means you care.
  2. Persevere through the tough times; be determinedly consistent even if it means starting over. Rethink, Replan, Renew is my mantra.
  3. And finally – adapt to your environment, opportunities and shortcomings. When it seems overwhelming pause then reboot. Not every situation requires a factory reset!

4. Find clarity in chaos

As Indians we are well-versed with chaos, it exists in various forms and impacts us in varying degrees. While we can find order in chaos, work towards finding that moment of clarity. That sense of equilibrium.

It can manifest when having a cup of tea at 4pm or having a eureka moment at 3am. Chaos has tremendous potential – it allows for opportunities. A bit like deconstruction to reveal newer insights. It is only that clarity of focus that you can lead you to those opportunities and enable growth. It is the turning that creates day and night.

5. And as always – Stay safe, stay healthy, stay positive and stay hydrated.

This is just my customary sign off to be frank, but rings true. Staying safe and healthy are requisites for positivity. It is that positivity that will carry you over the difficult times.

And well hydration – essential. Gets rid of toxins and is a refresher! Pretty self-evident.

I can hear you think – how does this connect to studying hospitality?

Principally every single point links to hospitality, view it in the interactive business context. The pandemic has in many ways amplified what we face in the industry in one unexpected punch. We took it.

We learned from it.

We are building ourselves up even stronger.

These times have been a testament to the human spirit of resilience. Hospitality too is about that unity of spirit, the feel-good factor of giving and receiving. I celebrate that.

The pandemic has not quelled us. We have proven the opportunity to grow, the ability to adapt and persevere.

So, the question I pose to you – Are you willing to find and seize the opportunities that lie before you? Tell me about your 5.

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