Siddharth Rajsekar, Author of You Can Coach, and Founder of Internet Lifestyle Hub

Siddharth Rajsekar aka Sidz is the founder of the Internet Lifestyle Hub, one of the world’s largest communities for coaches, trainers, teachers, and experts with over 10,000 members. As an acclaimed lifestyle entrepreneur and international speaker, Siddharth has trained over 200,000 people in the last 10 years. Recognized as one of India’s leading and sought-after info-marketing specialists, Siddharth has worked closely with renowned international experts like Robert Kiyosaki, T Harv Eker, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy & Jack Canfield.

 After running many multi-million-dollar online campaigns for companies and helping people make money online in the last 10 years, Siddharth developed and perfected the “Freedom Business Model” which is helping thousands of people take their expertise online – which focuses on building a super-profitable digital coaching business. Siddhart has recently launched his first book – ‘You Can Coach,’ that seeks to enable teachers, coaches and mentors to take their game to the next level. You Can Coach is #1 on for Business School Guides and #1 on for Small Home Based Business books in less than a month of its launch. In a conversation with Higher Education Digest, Siddhart talks about his book and how anyone can become a coach.

When did you realize you want to become a writer?

I never intended to be a writer. For me, becoming an author is a means to fulfilling my true mission of redefining the education system by creating a new breed of digital coaches who are implementers. The book is a comprehensive guide to becoming a successful digital coach, teacher and mentor to change the way we learn. The idea is to open the gates of education and not limit it to our current education system.

What inspired you to write the book You Can Coach?

This book is rooted in the words of my grandfather. When I was 8 years old, I asked him why I should go to school. To which, he responded “Don’t let schooling interfere with your education”. This line originally by Mark Twain resonated with me most when I flunked the 12th grade. I believe I fared poorly because of the attitude of my teacher who instead of making learning fun, made it a scary and daunting experience for all of us.

After the 12th, I was lucky enough to have found the right teachers and mentors who helped me find myself. I have found myself in two extremely difficult situations in my life and both times, it was having the right mentors and my investment in the education I chose for myself that saved me and helped me transform my life.

Unfortunately, most people are trapped in the existing education system that is extremely outdated and prepares us only to become “employable” in our adult lives. The world has changed so drastically and my goal is to inspire people to become a digital coach – a mentor who is an implementer and who can provide real-world solutions to your students, regardless of age, time, place, or circumstances. It is by levelling the playing field using technology and giving an equal opportunity for anyone to learn and grow.

What is the difference between a writer and a coach?

Anyone can become a coach. We are all extraordinary at something. All you need to do is identify your niche and with a solid training program, you can effectively spread your knowledge to millions over the internet and change their lives. A coach can definitely become an author and an author can become a coach. His/her niche could well be creative writing.

What was the most challenging part while writing the book?

The most challenging part was integrating all the concepts I have learnt over the last 10 years because the idea was to not just to share the knowledge but really simplify it. Even though I do several webinars and podcasts a week, I had to rework all of my content to make it more palatable for the book.

What kind of research do you do and how long do you spend researching the book?

I have been a digital coach since 2018 before which I spent years consuming different online trainings and actually implementing them as a digital marketer. I have worked closely with leading international coaches like T Harv Eker, Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Brian Tracy and others. In the last 3 years, I have coached over 11,000 individuals on becoming digital coaches and living a life of freedom. So in that sense, my research has been spread out over the last decade. It took me 5 months to process my thoughts and put them all down in the form of a book. I did take some solo time out to meditate and really think through how I wanted to present my thoughts.

What was the most surprising thing you learned during the writing process of You Can Coach?

The most surprising thing during the process was the amount I learnt while writing the book. In spite of the webinars, videos and podcasts I do every week, I had to structure my content differently for the book and this has actually helped in other aspects of my coaching today. I was surprised by the amount I learnt about myself. For example, my writing and speaking voice are completely different. It also helped me validate my concepts and structure my teachings even better. Lot of people told me that this has been one of their most favourite reads because it completely simplifies the concepts.

How has the response been so far?

The response has been unbelievable. You Can Coach is #1 on for Business School Guides and #1 on for Small Home Based Business books in less than a month of its launch. Honestly, I am overwhelmed and grateful for the response the book has received.

What authors do you like to read? What book(s) have had a strong influence on you and your writing?

I am a big believer in lifelong learning, and I invest a lot of my time reading books on self-development and growth. Some of my favorites are Success Principles by Jack Canfield and Success Recipe by Surendran J & Brian Tracy.

What does literary success look like for you?

Literary success for me is people around the world reading the book and coming away feeling like they can do this. Success is them joining me in my mission to redefine the education system while enjoying a life of freedom, doing what they love from the comfort of their homes. The true fulfillment of becoming a digital coach is the realization of your ability to lead from the front and build digital communities to solve real-world problems.

What advice would you give to a writer working on his first book?

I would say like in digital coaching, identify your niche. What is it that you want to tell the world, what is the problem you are trying to solve with this book? Once you are clear on the purpose of your book and are writing about something you are passionate about, everything will flow from there. Don’t rush the process and go with the flow.

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