Dr. Mario Herane, Vice President of Global Affairs and Development, Universidad Mayor

Dr. Mario Herane is an accomplished leader in higher education, with a notable career spanning over 17 years in educational leadership, EdTech, technology management and operational excellence. Currently serving as the Vice President of Global Affairs and Development at Universidad Mayor in Chile and the U.S., he has spearheaded significant initiatives of institutional development across the globe. Dr. Herane’s academic credentials include a Doctorate in Business Administration from the University of Liverpool, an MBA for the University of Florida, and a Master’s in Finance for Florida International University, supplemented by professional development at renowned institutions like Harvard Kennedy School, MIT, Hasso Plattner Institute, and Stanford University. His experience also encompasses roles such as the Director of Online Learning at Universidad Mayor and Founder of Nexus University. Dr. Herane’s work is distinguished by his commitment to leveraging technology and strategic planning in creating innovative and inclusive educational environments.


In the dynamic and diverse tapestry of Latin America, higher education is undergoing a remarkable transformation. This transformation is fueled by the integration of technology, transcending traditional institutional frameworks to empower students with the skills required to excel in a competitive global market. The region, celebrated for its vibrant culture and varied socio-economic fabric, now embraces technology in education as a harbinger of new possibilities and opportunities. However, this culturally diverse environment with well-established social inequalities are additional challenges for the region to confront.

As we delve into the technological embrace across various Latin American countries, we uncover a mosaic of approaches in incorporating technology into higher education. Each country’s unique strategy not only illustrates the region’s collective progress but also highlights the distinct challenges they face, demographic and geographic.

In Brazil, a leading economy of the region, the strides in online education are particularly notable. Universities have significantly expanded educational access through initiatives like “Universidade Aberta do Brasil,” which have been instrumental in democratizing education across this vast nation. Moreover, Brazil’s strategic focus on STEM education, enriched by online resources and virtual labs, is adeptly preparing its students for a technology-driven global marketplace.

Chile’s advancements are grounded in enhancing internet connectivity and digital infrastructure, setting the stage for sophisticated educational technologies. Initiatives such as “Educación 2020” mirror the nation’s commitment to elevating education through technological means. Chile’s public universities, in particular, are aligning digital skill development with market demands, thus bolstering the employability of their graduates.

Argentina’s endeavors in educational technology are also commendable. Through programs like “Plan Ceibal,” the country is actively addressing the digital divide, providing essential tools like laptops and internet access to foster digital literacy among students. The integration of e-learning platforms in Argentine universities represents a harmonious blend of traditional and digital teaching methods, enhancing the overall quality of education.

Meanwhile, Colombia’s push towards virtual education in higher education institutions is creating significant inroads. The expansion of online courses and the incorporation of digital tools into conventional classrooms underscore a blended approach that effectively nurtures practical skills and student engagement.

This technological paradigm shift in Latin America is profoundly impacting student preparation for the global market. Digital platforms provide access to courses in emergent sectors such as data analytics, renewable energy, and digital marketing, ensuring students remain abreast of global economic trends. The role of technology in education extends beyond academic knowledge dissemination; it is pivotal in cultivating vital soft skills like digital literacy, critical thinking, and cross-cultural communication, all of which are indispensable in a globalized workforce. In countries with a pronounced focus on STEM and digital skills, such as Brazil and Chile, graduates are exceptionally well-prepared for the challenges of technology-centric industries.

However, the journey towards complete technological integration in education is not devoid of obstacles. The digital divide poses a significant challenge, with disparities in technology access across various regions and socio-economic groups. The quality and credibility of online education, along with the adaptation and acceptance of new technologies by faculty and students, are critical areas needing attention.

The Finnish model of technology integration in education offers a beacon of success from a developed country. Known for its educational excellence, Finland’s holistic approach in leveraging technology to enhance learning outcomes, boost graduate employability, and tackle social inequalities is exemplary. In Finland, technology is not just an addition to the classroom but an integral part of the learning process, fostering critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and collaborative learning from an early age. This comprehensive strategy ensures Finnish students are not only adept in technology but also equipped with essential soft skills for the modern job market.

The Finnish model also emphasizes equal access to technology, thereby addressing social inequalities. The government’s commitment to providing high-quality education for all has led to the widespread availability of technological resources across different socio-economic segments. This equitable distribution ensures that all students, regardless of their background, have access to the tools and opportunities necessary to succeed in a technologically driven world.

The future of higher education in Latin America hinges on continued investment in digital infrastructure, supportive policies, and collaborations between educational institutions and technology companies. By embracing this multifaceted approach, countries in the region can not only enhance their educational standards but also empower their students to become professionals who are both technologically adept and globally competitive.

The integration of technology in higher education in Latin America is an essential step towards aligning with the demands of a rapidly changing global market. This transformation, while complex and challenging, offers immense potential for empowering the next generation of professionals in Latin America, equipping them with the skills and competencies to succeed in an accelerated and digitally-driven world.

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