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A study that combines art, science, and engineering makes architecture the right choice for a motivated student. The need of the hour is to have skilled architects create future-ready infrastructure. As India grows and the population increases, we need to continuously innovate to create more sustainable solutions due to diminishing resources and snowballing needs. Pursuing a degree in architecture can be advantageous. From building houses and buildings to bridges and roads, architecture can pave the way for infrastructural growth and innovation.

An architecture student needs to keep numerous things in mind when designing and also while studying the subject. It involves hours of planning, resourcing, visualization, finding viable solutions to design and structural problems, and much more. This requires continuous learning, an essential part of architectural studies, to keep up with the latest developments and trends in the industry.

In today’s world, innovation is everything. As the country develops, we need to find solutions that are sustainable and practical. Architecture is not only building good infrastructure but should also reflect the culture of the people living around it. To be innovative and yet grounded, architecture students need to embrace art and history to be innovative designers. Students need to be open to exploring different architectural designs from various cultures to mould a new concept of their own. By delving into research, students can be taught how to make functional designs that can prove to be the right solution for infrastructural problems today.

Being one of the oldest and comprehensive courses, architecture has become a popular choice for students nationwide. This new interest has acted as a catalyst for the rise in the number of architecture colleges and universities in the country. Thus, in this issue, we present the 10 Must-Watch Architecture Colleges in India, bringing them to the limelight and looking at how they have innovated and adapted education and training in recent times.

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