PES College of Pharmacy established in the year 1982, offers programs that are attuned towards preparing graduates for a career in pharmaceutical industry, research, and education.
The Vision of the Institution is “ To create technologically superior and ethically strong global manpower, in the arena of Pharmacy Profession”.

PESCP understands that there are three main pain points that every pharmacy college faces. They are (i) Mediocre technical courses, (ii) Poor industry-academy interaction, and (iii) Failure of academia to attract/cultivate talent. These issues have left a gaping hole in the availability of skilled workers in the Pharmaceutical sector.
Conquering these hurdles, PESCP offers a curriculum that includes industry updates via TSDP (Total Student Development Program) classes; which is one of the components of campus-wide quality improvement program (CWQIP). To facilitate industry exposure and interaction, the college also organizes guest lectures, seminars, workshops, and frequent industrial visits. Giving due importance to research and innovation, PESCP’s PG Departments have signed MoUs with industries and with Griffith University for their R&D Projects.

Hon’ble Chancellor,
PES University Founder Chairman,
PES Institutions, Bengaluru
Accomplished, Accessible, and Affordable:
Approved by the Government of Karnataka and affiliated to PES University, Bangalore, PES College of Pharmacy is also accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA)and is AICTE and PCI approved. Currently, PES College of Pharmacy houses six departments dealing with varied aspects in the ambit of Pharmacy. They are Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Department of Pharmaceutics, Department of Pharmacology, Department of Pharmacognosy, Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, and Department of Clinical Pharmacy.

PES college of Pharmacy is situated in the heart of Bangalore city and is thus easily accessible to students. The highly academic ambience encourages healthy competitiveness among the students. The institute houses well-equipped laboratories that offer training and learning experience to match the requirements of the day. The quadrangle at PESCP witnesses various sports activities like Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, and Volleyball, whereas the indoor sports court is used for table tennis, carrom, and yoga classes. The Kuvempu auditorium, meanwhile, provides a stage for various cultural as well as academic activities. The PESCP annual pharma exhibition provides a platform for scientific innovation & creativity, while the annual intercollegiate cultural fest ASPIRATION ensures all-round development.
The college also offers a well-thought-out orientation program, personality development classes, communication skills sessions, research review meetings, journal club meetings, quiz competitions, debates, and extempore speeches. These programs ensure that a PES College of Pharmacy graduate, as he steps out of the college, adorns various feathers on his hat. They step out with their moral compass pointing north and with a firm resolve to pool their skills and talent to give back to the society. They showcase exceptional problem-solving skills in manufacturing of Pharmaceutical dosage forms, superior technical qualities, and an ability to adapt to an intellectually & technologically changing environment.

Mentored by Savants
The mentoring system followed at PESCP recognizes the capabilities of students & encourages individual students to achieve their full potential. The effectiveness of the mentoring system is amplified by the fact that the PESCP faculty houses 11 PhD Holders. PESCP students also enjoy high internet facilities as well as a well-endowed library that occupies over 50,000 square feet, providing access to a vast repository of resources. It is no wonder that all these factors contribute to the students consistently achieving several university ranks in B. Pharm, M. Pharm and Pharm D. PESCP also enjoys a GPAT Qualification on par with reputed and top Deemed Universities in India.
A true testament to this genius of PESCP graduates is the fact that about 80% of PESCP students get placed in the on-campus interviews itself. Moreover, pharma giants like Indigene, IQVIA and Med life are regulars at PESCP during the recruitment season. Other corporates that approach PESCP to recruit the cream of the crop is Accenture, Himalaya, Patanjali, Forte Research Systems, Syngene, Apotex, Micro Labs , Eli Lilly , Mylan , Bio Clinica and Lotus.
Research focus: Moving forward, PESCP research center focuses on projects addressing the current health care problems of the country and attract more funded projects and full-time PhD scholars. Several industrial projects have been successfully completed the research projects of various departments have been published in scopus indexed journals
Ethics & Values: The institution emphasizes the importance of Indian culture and values including the need to commit to law and morality. Several lectures are arranged on these lines to educate the students about morality, sincerity honesty & discipline.
Merit Scholarship: With the sole intention of encouraging meritorious students
- Dr CNR Rao Scholarship 25% of tuition fee per semester to be given to the topper of each cohort of 60 students securing a CGPA in excess of 9.0
- Dr MRD Scholarship 20% of the tuition fee for the top 20% of the students securing a SGPA in excess of 8.5 are awarded every semester.
Till now total amounting Rs.26 crores have been disbursed as merit scholarships to students.
Community Service:
As a rule all students in different classes are encouraged and motivated to take up community service, wherein, health camps and blood donation camp, tree planting, donations for orphans, old age homes, visiting government schools to create awareness about hygiene and Swatch Bharat.