ACCA: Providing a Gateway to Financial Prosperity

Helen Brand, CEO, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
February 18, 2020 0

Helen Brand is the Chief Executive Officer of The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), since September 2008. She has built her career within professional…

A Career in UX/UI for a Better Future

Saurabh Gupta, Co-founder, Zeux Innovation
January 21, 2020 0

A first-generation entrepreneur, Saurabh leads design and innovation at ZEUX. He commands 15+ years’ experience in UX design and innovation and has lead teams globally…

What is Smart X.0?

Randhir Mishra, Co-Founder, MetaCog Innovations
January 20, 2020 0

Co-founder of MetaCog Innovations, an EduTech AI start-up that is working in the area of evolved personal learning through the use of deep technology, Randhir…